A Festive Double Second

November’s meeting saw the Vale’s last meeting together of the year, which means it’s time to get out the Christmas decorations! A very busy evening, as members and visitors watched a fantastic double Second Degree ceremony in Bristol Workings, followed by an excellent Christmas dinner. At the dinner, the Worshipful Master of the Lodge wished the members and visitors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as was returned to the Worshipful Master.

The members of Priory Lodge were also present again in admiration of Bristol Workings 😉, and joined the Vale for a fantastic evening. Of course, excellent ceremony and good fellowship don’t come free, as you can see below, members had good preparation for the evening on the week prior.

It was fantastic to see the Vale of Brislington busy again with both members and visitors alike, and we wish everyone reading a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ☃️


Burns Night ‘23


October 2022 White Table